A couple weeks ago we Raincoast Dog Rescue did an emergency rescue that was really concerning and difficult. We got a report of two puppies abandoned on a rural property that were tied on a short leash to a bench, in disgusting conditions. We were shocked to say the least. We were able to locate the one puppy, but are still looking for the other puppy. There are a sibling pair we are told. We will not stop until we find the other dog. We have our team and authorities working hard on finding him. You can’t fail if you don’t give up. We will keep everyone updated on that situation.
On a lighter note, we were able to locate and take in the one of the two pups. She is opening up more and more each day, and has really started to show signs of becoming more comfortable and trusting, and has managed to gain some weight on her once emaciated body. Koo is so sweet and silly, likes to play and run around, then snuggle up with you to relax and bond. She has been dog and people friendly so far, which is great news considering how she was treated prior to us rescuing her. She would have every right to be fearful of humans and dogs, with a lack of social skills, but is already starting to overcome those past traumas. Dogs are so resilient and forgiving. We are so proud of her!
We thought of the name, Ko’o’shin, which means Raven in the Nuuchahnulth language. Ko- osh-in pronunciation. But, Koo (like boo) for short. Everyone, meet Koo!
We will continue to share updates as we know more. When she is all healthy and is spayed, in about a month, she will be up for adoption.
Thank you to all your love and support! ♥️
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