2018 BC Wildfire Animal Relief Mission

In the summer / fall of 2018 British Columbia experienced one of the worst wildfire seasons in it’s history that was enacted as a state of emergency by the Province of BC in the Burns Lake and Francois Lake areas of Northern BC.

The majority of these devastating fires were all centred right in these regions and it caused immense damage, devastation and even, sadly, deaths of animals and humans.
Peoples homes and communities were burnt to the ground, leaving so many frightened, hungry and homeless. Wildfire fighters were brought in from all over Canada and the world to help with the extreme conditions and terrain that these fires were located in.

We at RainCoast decided we had to do something to help so we at RainCoast once again teamed up with the SPCA International and with The Postman Group to help provide support to those in need with animals, and to help get supplies to these animals, the firefighters and the families affected by the wildfires.
We were there for two weeks helping work with so many of the animals groups, the people and families affected, Bakers Acres Kennel and Rescue Relief, and the Prince George Humane Society. We transported tens of thousands of pounds of food and supplies in two big budget rental cube vans and our rescue truck we had been so graciously donated by Vancouver Islanders and businesses.

Everyday we drove hundreds of kilometres from morning to night to provide desperate relief for those animals and people in need. We are beyond proud of this mission to help our fellow British Columbians and Canadians.