
Adopted! Yaayy Pinky!

Happy Tail – After suddenly losing one out of our two extremely bonded chihuahuas, we had been going back and forward on the idea of adopting another small dog in order to help our remaining chihuahua cope as she was not handling the loss well at all. One day Jesse contacted us about needing a foster for a little chihuahua and we thought this was the perfect opportunity to bring another dog into our home on a trial to see how things went for us and for our other dogs.

We immediately fell in love with this little girl and it didn’t take us long to realize that this was going to be a very fast foster fail. Pinky spent her first three days with us scared to even move, she would pee herself in fear if we came near her and she went nearly a week without eating she was so nervous. She has clearly been through a lot and had a very tough start to her life, her fear of humans is like nothing we have experienced yet before. However with a lot of patience and love she slowly started to learn that she could trust us. It didn’t take long for her to start coming out of her shell and showing her funny little personality. Fast forward a couple of months and she has nothing but so much love to give not only to us, but to our other dogs as well. She makes us laugh on the daily and she fits in so well with our little family. Us and our dogs love having her around and already couldn’t imagine life without her! 💕

Thank you so much to Jesse and the entire Raincoast team for your constant hard work in saving all the animals that you do. If it wasn’t for you we wouldn’t have our little Pinky in our lives and for that we are forever grateful to you.

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